In Search of th' Old South
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Southern belles
Southern belles

This site is for heterosexual Southern Americans and American Southerners.  That's USA for those from South America and those from other parts of North America and Central America.
This site celebrates the best of The South.
If you have something to contribute, please send it.  We might be able to use it and everybody will be happy.
If it seems like we have an odd take on The South, then please remember that the name of this site is "In Search of th' Old South" and sometimes when you are searching, you get lost.
The point of this site is focus on The South.  Take hobbies for instance.  There are thousands of popular hobbies.  We just care about the hobbies that are uniquely Southern.  If they are doing it all over the world, then it is not uniquely Southern.
Our other bias is a focus on the upper class.  Please note: We define upper class as referring to social class   NOT   economic class.  After Katrina and Rita hit the Gulf Coast, we have had our fill of economic class warfare.  In our version of The South, everybody can be upper class.
The editor hopes that these little cautions will prevent any hurt feelings because well, you all are most welcome to our Southern hospitality and Southern charm.


We do not worship the Confederacy on this site.  This site is for liberal, moderate, and conservative Southerners who want an alternative to material that offends whites whose ancestors were conductors on the Underground Railroad, whose ancestors never owned slaves due to poverty or religious conviction, whose ancestors proudly deserted the Confederate Army or never served in it, whose ancestors fought for the Union Army, whose ancestors were abolitionists, whose ancestors were proud Scalawags, whose ancestors were members of anti-slavery societies, whose ancestors were slaves, or whose ancestors, like Rhett Butler, thought starting a war (Edmund Ruffin fired the first shot) against a superior foe was foolish.  The South would have eventually freed the slaves without Lincoln and Douglass accelerating the process?  Yeah right.

There are sites for Confederates, Nazis, ku kluxers, terrorists, illegals, and gays.  This is not one of those sites.  This site is for us -- forgotten Southerners.

We need your help in keeping the haters and destroyers away.


Please get in touch and let us know what you think of this site. Also feel free to contribute to this site with your own photos (jpg) and academic papers.

If you prefer a more old timey approach: "in-e search-e of-e the Olde Southe"